Thursday, June 19, 2014

Ayurveda Treatment For Female Sexual Weakness

A sexual problem refers to a problem that prevents an individual from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. Women experience a variety of sexual problems. It is defined as a problem that occurs in the course of sexual activity, which include fondling, masturbation and oral sex.
A sexual problem refers to a problem that prevents an individual from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. Women experience a variety of sexual problems.  It is defined as a problem that occurs in the course of sexual activity, which include fondling, masturbation and oral sex.
The problems that can keep a woman from experiencing satisfaction during sexual activity are
· Lack of sexual desire
· Inability to become aroused
· Lack of orgasm, or sexual climax
· Painful intercourse
Various causes that keep a female from experiencing satisfaction during sexual activity are
Changes in sexual functions after a hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus) is not very uncommon. Changes like loss of desire, decreased vaginal lubrication and genital sensation may occur. Loss of the uterus results in hormonal changes and thus these problems occur. This can also be because nerves critical to sexual function can be damaged during the hysterectomy procedure.
Loss of estrogen, which leads to menopause, can lead to changes in a woman’s sexual functioning. Emotional changes that often accompany menopause can add to a woman’s loss of interest in sex or in her ability to become aroused. However, some post-menopausal women report an increase in sexual satisfaction. This may be due to decreased anxiety over getting pregnant.
Ailments / Medications
These conditions include diabetes, heart disease, neurological diseases, hormonal imbalances, kidney disease, and liver failure. In addition, the side effects of certain medications, including some antidepressant drugs, can affect sexual desire and function.
Psychological factors
Stress, anxiety, concern about sexual performance, relationship problems, depression, feelings of guilt, effects of a past sexual trauma, depression, pregnancy and fatigue are some of the psychological factors which leads to sexual problems. Regular sexual routines may also contribute to a lack of enthusiasm for sex.
This is another factor, which can lead to diminished sexual desire. Chronic bladder infection, vaginal or cervical infections can make sexual intercourse less desirable.
Few Ayurvedic Remedies are:
1. Healing qualities of Shatavari are very effective on the female reproductive system related problems. It helps in minimizing the women’s complaints related to menstrual cycles and balancing the female hormonal system. It also helps in decreasing the inflammation of female sexual organs, in fighting tiredness and morning sickness, helps in problems related to infertility, leucorrhea, and in regulating ovulation etc, which occur during the menopause cycle. Those women, who face problems of hot flashes, they should try combination of Shatavari and Kama Duba.Shatavari helps in treating/balancing ‘Pitta dosha’. Useful for infertility, impotence and general sexual debility, decreased libido, threatened miscarriage, menopause, leucorrhea, and has the ability to balance pH in the cervical area.
2. Women who exercise regularly, take vitamins regularly and eat fewer saturated fats, more full-fat dairy products and less meat have fewer ovulation problems. Chocolate contains phenethylamine, a nutrient that enhances mood and is the chemical we produce in our brains when we fall in love. Artichokes, like wine, are also good for ladies Sex is an integral part of our daily habits (Dinacharya). Night and after two hours of dinner is the ideal time for intimacy, as it is kapha time. Healthy food: Avoid refined carbohydrates emphasize on lean meats, chicken, fish, and a lot of vegetables. Homemade salad dressing consisting of flaxseed oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice is also beneficial.   
3. Vajikarna is one of eight disciplines, which deals with maintenance of vitality. Women seek rejuvenation chiefly to restore their youthful beauty and attraction. This can be achieved by the concept of Rasayana (rejuvenation). 

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